Monthly Portfolio Update – January 2022

The sea washes across the decks and maststep

And dark daylight already shows through long rents in the sails

Alcaeus, Fragments

This is my sixty-second monthly portfolio update. I complete this regular update to check progress against my goal.

Portfolio goal

My objective is to maintain a portfolio of at least $2,620,000 through 2022. This should be capable of producing an annual income from total portfolio returns of about $91,600 (in 2022 dollars).

This portfolio objective is based on an assumed safe withdrawal rate of 3.5 per cent.

A secondary focus through 2022 will be achieving the minimum equity target of $2,100,000.

Portfolio summary

Vanguard Lifestrategy High Growth Fund$790,086
Vanguard Lifestrategy Growth Fund$42,487
Vanguard Lifestrategy Balanced Fund$76,957
Vanguard Diversified Bonds Fund$97,297
Vanguard Australian Shares ETF (VAS)$367,311
Vanguard International Shares ETF (VGS)$288,466
Betashares Australia 200 ETF (A200)$274,868
Telstra shares (TLS)$2,089
Insurance Australia Group shares (IAG)$5,372
NIB Holdings shares (NHF)$7,476
Gold ETF (GOLD.ASX)$115,439
Secured physical gold$18,425
Plenti (P2P lending)$56
Raiz app (Aggressive portfolio)$20,463
Spaceship Voyager app (Index portfolio)$3,459
BrickX (P2P rental real estate)$4,997
Total portfolio value$2,701,808

Asset allocation

Australian shares36.6%
Global shares24.4%
Emerging market shares1.6%
International small companies2.0%
Total international shares28.1%
Total shares64.6% (-15.4%)
Total property securities0.2% (+0.2%)
Australian bonds2.6%
International bonds5.9%
Total bonds8.5% (+3.5%)
Gold and alternatives26.7% (+11.7%)

Presented visually, the chart below is a high-level view of the current asset allocation of the portfolio.

Chart - Asset Allocation


Over the past month the portfolio has witnessed its largest ever nominal dollar loss, of around $247,000.

This represents a decline of 8.4 per cent in the portfolio, which is the second largest percentage fall after March 2020. It has pushed the portfolio down to levels of around six months ago, notionally at least undoing all progress since winter.

Despite this, the portfolio still – narrowly – sits above the revised portfolio goal of $2.62 million

The story of the month was of simultaneous waves from west and east, to borrow another phrase from the Greek poet Alcaeus. Sharp falls in equity markets through January and continued falls in the value of bitcoin for most of the month contributed in nearly equal parts to the final result.

Australian shares fell around 5.5 per cent for the month. Global equity holdings also declined in value by around 4.5 per cent.

Increasing market conviction around future US interest rate rises also saw the value of bond holdings simultaneously fall, with relatively large losses incurred – of about 1.9 per cent.

The only bright spot in the portfolio was gold holdings, which increased in value by nearly 1.6 per cent to reach levels not experienced since November 2020.

Broadly, however, what can be seen in the chart below is what occurs when multiple asset classes exhibit at least short-term correlation, each responding to perceptions of sharply changed market conditions.

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